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Fulton, Robert

  • 1 Fulton, Robert

    SUBJECT AREA: Ports and shipping
    b. 14 November 1765 Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
    d. 24 February 1815 New York, USA
    American pioneer of steamships and of North American steam navigation.
    The early life of Fulton is documented sparsely; however, it is clear that he was brought up in poor circumstances along with three sisters and one brother by a widowed mother. The War of Independence was raging around them for some years, but despite this it is believed that he spent some time learning the jeweller's trade in Philadelphia and had by then made a name for himself as a miniaturist. Throughout his life he remained skilled with his hands and well able to record technical detail on paper. He witnessed many of the early trials of American steamboats and saw the work of William Henry and John Fitch, and in 1787 he set off for the first time to Europe. For some years he examined steamships in Paris and without doubt saw the Charlotte Dundas on the Forth and Clyde Canal near Glasgow. In 1803 he built a steamship that ran on the Seine at 4 1/2 mph (7.25 km/h), and when it was lost, another to replace it. All his designs were based on principles that had been tried and proved elsewhere, and in this respect he was more of a developer than an inventor. After some time experimenting with submersibles and torpedoes for the British and French governments, in 1806 he returned to the United States. In 1807 he took delivery of the 100 ton displacement paddle steamer Clermont from the yard of Charles Browne of East River, New York. In August of that year it started the passenger services on the Hudson River and this can be claimed as the commencement of world passenger steam navigation. Again the ship was traditional in shape and the machinery was supplied by Messrs Boulton and Watt. This was followed by other ships, including Car of Neptune, Paragon and the world's first steam warship, Demolgos, launched in New York in October 1814 and designed by Fulton for coastal defence and the breaking of the British blockade. His last and finest boat was named Chancellor Livingston after his friend and patron Robert Livingston (1746–1813); the timber hull was launched in 1816, some months after Fulton's death.
    Further Reading
    H.P.Spratt, 1958, The Birth of the Steamboat, London: Griffin. J.T.Flexner, 1978, Steamboats Come True, Boston: Little, Brown.
    "Robert Fulton and the centenary of steam navigation", Engineer (16 August 1907).

    Biographical history of technology > Fulton, Robert

  • 2 Fulton Robert

    Роберт Фултон (1765 — 1815), американский инженер, изобретатель; построил первый в мире колесный пароход «Клермонт» (Clermont, 1807).

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Fulton Robert

  • 3 Fulton, Robert

    (1765-1815) Фултон, Роберт
    Изобретатель, инженер, художник. Построил (1807) первый в мире колесный пароход с колесом на корме [ stern-wheeler] "Клермонт" [Clermont], совершивший рейс по р. Хадсон [ Hudson River] от Нью-Йорка до Олбани и обратно за 62 часа. В 1811 построил первый колесный пароход "Новый Орлеан" для плавания на р. Миссисипи [ Mississippi River]. В 1815 был спущен на воду первый военный пароход "Демологус" [Demologus], построенный по его проекту

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Fulton, Robert

  • 4 Fulton

    n. Robert Fulton (1765-1815), Amerikaans kunstenaar en ingenieur, bouwer van een van de eeerste stoomboten alom gebruikt in Amerika, uitvinder van de torpedo

    English-Dutch dictionary > Fulton

  • 5 Robert Fulton

    Роберт Фултон (1765 — 1815), американский инженер, изобретатель; построил первый в мире колесный пароход «Клермонт» (Clermont, 1807).

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Robert Fulton

  • 6 Robert Fulton

    רוברט פולטון (1765-1815), צייר ומהנדס אמריקאי, בונה אחת מספינות-הקיטור הראשונות שבה נעשה שימוש נרחב בארה"ב, ממציא ומפתח הטורפדו השימושי הראשון
    * * *
    ןושארה ישומישה ודפרוטה חתפמו איצממ,ב"הראב בחרנ שומיש השענ הבש תונושארה רוטיקה-תוניפסמ תחא הנוב,יאקירמא סדנהמו רייצ,(5181-5671) ןוטלופ טרבור

    English-Hebrew dictionary > Robert Fulton

  • 7 Ports and shipping

    Armstrong, Sir William George
    Egerton, Francis
    Li Gao
    Peter the Great
    Shen Gua
    Stanhope, Charles

    Biographical history of technology > Ports and shipping

  • 8 stern-wheeler

    заднеколесный пароход, колесный пароход
    Первый в мире пароход "Клермонт" ["Clermont"] был построен американским инженером Р. Фултоном [ Fulton, Robert] для плавания на р. Хадсон [ Hudson River] в 1807. В 1811 колесный пароход "Новый Орлеан" его же постройки начал плавание по р. Миссисипи [ Mississippi River]. Эти пароходы имели по два бортовых гребных колеса. Однако условия навигации по р. Миссисипи с ее многочисленными мелями, изменениями фарватера и узкими протоками в низовьях и на притоках потребовали изменения конструкции судна. В начале XIX в. на р. Миссисипи появилось судно с кормовым гребным колесом (слово "stern-wheel" впервые зарегистрировано в 1919). "Миссисипские пароходы" [Mississippi river steamboat, Mississippi steamer] сыграли огромную роль в экономике страны в середине XIX в., превратив систему рек Миссисипи, Миссури, Огайо и их притоков в мощную разветвленную транспортную сеть. Конструкции пароходов и паровой машины совершенствовались (в 1853 пароход "Эклипс" ["Eclipse"] совершил рейс из Нового Орлеана в Луисвилл на р. Огайо [ Ohio River] всего за четыре с половиной дня). Появились знаменитые многоярусные (до семи ярусов) богато отделанные пассажирские пароходы: "Грэнд рипаблик" ["Grand Republic"], "Натчез" ["Natchez"], "Роберт Ли" ["Robert. E. Lee"] и др. Миссисипские пароходы часто ломались, сгорали, получали пробоины от полузатонувших бревен, садились на мель и даже взрывались (в 1816-49 на реке затонуло 235 пароходов). Средняя продолжительность их эксплуатации составляла четыре года

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > stern-wheeler

  • 9 steamboat

    Первый коммерческий речной пароход "Клермонт" [Clermont] был построен Р. Фултоном [ Fulton, Robert] в 1807 для плавания на р. Хадсон [ Hudson River]. В 1811 Фултон построил и первый пароход с колесом на корме [ stern-wheeler] "Новый Орлеан" для р. Миссисипи [ Mississippi River]; вскоре пароходы этого типа вытеснили килевые лодки [ keelboat]. В середине XIX в. пароходы стали основным видом транспорта на реках Америки. Часто они строились наспех и тонули, особенно на быстрых и капризных реках Среднего Запада. Нередко капитаны устраивали гонки паровых судов, которые зачастую заканчивались взрывом парового котла. Плавание колесных судов по р. Миссисипи ярко описано М. Твеном [ Mark Twain] в повести "Жизнь на Миссисипи" ["Life on Mississippi"]

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > steamboat

  • 10 Turtle

    Первая боевая подводная лодка, построенная в годы Войны за независимость [ Revolutionary War] Д. Бушнеллом [Bushnell, David]. Лодка имела деревянный корпус в форме широкой бочки и была рассчитана на одного человека. Спуск и подъем обеспечивались сложной системой клапанов и балластных емкостей. Двигалась с помощью мускульной силы оператора, который рукоятями приводил в движение два винта - для движения по горизонтали и по вертикали. Оружием служила мина замедленного действия, которую оператор ввинчивал в деревянный борт неприятельского судна. Первый опыт боевого использования лодки 6 сентября 1776 близ г. Нью-Йорка оказался неудачным. Командир "Черепахи" сержант Э. Ли [Lee, Ezra] не смог ввинтить мину в борт английского флагманского судна "Игл", так как борта судна оказались обшиты медными листами. Некоторые принципы конструкции "Черепахи" были позднее использованы Р. Фултоном [ Fulton, Robert] при создании подлодки "Наутилус" [Nautilus] (1797-1800)

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Turtle

  • 11 Trinity Church

    церковь Св. Троицы (в Нью-Йорке, на пересечении Бродвея и Уолл-стрит), самая старая церковь в Нью-Йорке ( конец XVII в.). Одним из прихожан, помогавших в строительстве церкви, был капитан Кидд, знаменитый пират, повешенный в Лондоне в 1701. На церковном кладбище похоронены Уильям Брэдфорд [*Bradford, William], Роберт Фултон [*Fulton, Robert] и Александр Гамильтон [*Hamilton, Alexander]. В течение многих лет шпиль церкви Св. Троицы был самой высокой точкой на нью-йоркском горизонте. В маленьком домике в церковном дворе начинал свою работу в 1754 Королевский колледж, ставший затем Колумбийским университетом. В наши дни в летние месяцы церковь проводит концерты под назв. «Кафе в полдень» [Noonday Cafe]

    США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > Trinity Church

  • 12 Newfield, Sam

       Nacido Samuel Neufeld, hermano de Sigmund Neufeld, futuro jefe de produccion de PRC, dirige cortometrajes desde 1926, y largometrajes desde 1933. Probablemente el mas prolifico realizador norteamericano de la era sonora, dirigio, sobre todo, westerns. Por sus manos paso una parte importante de los viejos heroes del genero, en peliculas de una hora de duracion y argumentos eternamente repetidos. Solo leer su filmografia produce cierto vertigo. Establecerla rigurosamente es una tarea ardua, especialmente en lo relativo al orden cronologico estricto, por lo que en esta ocasion mas que en ninguna otra hay que entender que ese orden es susceptible de correccion. Utiliza los seudonimos de Peter Stewart y Sherman Scott. Se ha prescindido de tres aparentes largometrajes, situados al final de su carrera y obtenidos, cada uno de ellos, por super posicion de dos episodios del serial televisivo “Hawkeye and the Last of the Mohicans”. Aunque el nivel medio de los filmes de Sam Newfeld es realmente bajo, hay que citar dos curiosidades: Harlem on the Prairie (1937) esta interpretado integramente por negros, y The Terror of Tiny Town (1938), por enanos, que se mueven en decorados de tamano normal.
        Undercover Men. 1935. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Dominion. Charles Starrett, Adrienne Dore.
        Northern Frontier. 1935. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Ambassador. Kermit Maynard, Eleanor Hunt, LeRoy Mason.
        Code of the Mounted (Fiel a su consigna). 1935. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Ambassador. Kermit Maynard, Lilian Miles, Robert Warwick.
        Branded a Coward (El botin del rancho). 1935. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Supreme. Johnny Mack Brown, Billie Seward, Syd Taylor.
        Trails of the Wild. 1935. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Ambassador. Kermit Maynard, Billie Seward, Fuzzy Knight.
        Timber War. 1935. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Ambassador. Kermit Maynard, Lucille Lund, Lawrence Gray.
        Bulldog Courage. 1935. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Puritan. Tim McCoy, Joan Woodbury.
        Roarin’ Guns. 1936. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Puritan. Tim McCoy, Rosalinda Rice, Rex Lease.
        Border Caballero. 1936. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Puritan. Tim McCoy, Lois January, Ralph Byrd.
        Lightnin’ Bill Carson. 1936. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Puritan. Tim McCoy, Lois January, Rex Lease.
        Aces and Eights. 1936. 62 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Puritan. Tim McCoy, Luana Walters, Rex Lease.
        The Lion’s Den. 1936. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Puritan. Tim McCoy, Joan Woodbury, Don Barclay.
        Ghost Patrol. 1936. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Puritan. Tim McCoy, Claudia Dell, Walter Miller.
        The Traitor. 1936. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Puritan. Tim McCoy, Frances Grant, Wally Wales.
        Roarin’ Lead (co-d.: Mack V. Wright). 1936. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Bob Livingston, Ray Corrigan, Max Terhune, Christine Maple.
        Stormy Trails. 1936. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Colony (Grand National). Rex Bell, Lois Wilde, Lane Chandler.
        The Gambling Terror. 1937. 53 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Johnny Mack Brown, Iris Meredith, Horace Murphy.
        Lightnin’ Crandall. 1937. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Bob Steele, Lois January, Frank LaRue.
        Trail of Vengeance. 1937. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Johnny Mack Brown, Iris Meredith.
        Melody of the Plains. 1937. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Spectrum. Fred Scott, Al St. John, Louise Small.
        Bar-Z Bad Men. 1937. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Johnny Mack Brown, Lois January.
        Guns in the Dark. 1937. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Johnny Mack Brown, Claire Rochelle, Syd Saylor.
        Gun Lords of Stirrup Basin. 1937. 53 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Bob Steele, Louise Stanley, Frank LaRue.
        A Lawman Is Born. 1937. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Johnny Mack Brown, Iris Meredith, Al St. John.
        Doomed at Sundown. 1937. 53 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Bob Steele, Lorraine Randall.
        Boothill Brigade. 1937. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Johnny Mack Brown, Claire Rochelle, Horace Murphy.
        Arizona Gunfighter. 1937. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Bob Steele, Jean Carmen, Ted Adams.
        Ridin’ the Lone Trail. 1937. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Bob Steele, Claire Rochelle, Charles King.
        Moonlight on the Range. 1937. 52 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Spectrum. Fred Scott, Al St. John, Lois January.
        The Fighting Deputy. 1937. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Spectrum. Fred Scott, Al St. John, Marjorie Beebe.
        The Colorado Kid. 1937. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Bob Steele, Marion Weldon, Karl Hackett.
        Harlem on the Prairie (co-d.: Jed Buell). 1937. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Associated. Herbert Jeffries, Connie Harris.
        Paroled To Die. 1938. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Bob Steele, Kathleen Eliot, Karl Hackett.
        The Ranger’s Roundup. 1938. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Spectrum (Stan Laurel Prod.) Fred Scott, Al St. John, Christine McIntyre.
        Thunder in the Desert. 1938. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Bob Steele, Louise Stanley, Don Barclay.
        Code of the Rangers. 1938. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Concord (Monogram). Tim McCoy, Judith Ford, Rex Lease.
        The Feud Maker. 1938. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Bob Steele, Marion Weldon, Karl Hackett.
        Knights of the Plains (Allende Rio Grande). 1938. 57 min. Blanco y Negro. Spectrum (Stan Laurel Prod.) Fred Scott, Al St. John, Marion Weldon.
        Songs and Bullets. 1938. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Spectrum (Stan Laurel Prod.) Fred Scott, Al St. John, Alice Ardell.
        Gunsmoke Trail. 1938. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Concord (Monogram). Jack Randall, Louise Stanley, Al St. John.
        Phantom Ranger. 1938. 54 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Concord (Mono gram). Tim McCoy, Suzanne Kaaren.
        Desert Patrol. 1938. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Bob Steele, Marion Weldon, Rex Lease.
        Durango Valley Raiders. 1938. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Republic. Bob Steele, Louise Stanley, Karl Hackett.
        Frontier Scout. 1938. 61 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Fine Arts (Grand Natio nal). George Houston, Al St. John, Beth Marion.
        Lightning Carson Rides Again. 1938. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Victory. Tim McCoy, Joan Barclay, Ben Corbett.
        Six-Gun Trail. 1938. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Victory. Tim McCoy, Nora Lane, Ben Corbett.
        The Terror of Tiny Town. 1938. 62 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Principal (Co lumbia). Billy Curtis, Little Billy Rhodes, Nita Krebs, Yvonne Moray.
        Trigger Pals. 1939. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Cinemart (Grand Natio nal). Art Jarrett, Lee Powell, Dorothy Faye, Al St. John.
        Six-Gun Rhythm. 1939. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Arcadia (Grand National). Tex Fletcher, Joan Barclay, Ralph Peters.
        Code of the Cactus. 1939. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Victory. Tim McCoy, Dorothy Short, Ben Corbett.
        Texas Wildcats. 1939. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Victory. Tim McCoy, Joan Barclay, Ben Corbett.
        Outlaw’s Paradise. 1939. 62 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Victory. Tim McCoy, Joan Barclay, Ben Corbett.
        Straight Shooter. 1939. 54 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Victory. Tim McCoy, Julie Sheldon, Ben Corbett.
        Fighting Renegade. 1939. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Victory. Tim McCoy, Joyce Bryant, Ben Corbett.
        Trigger Fingers. 1939. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Victory. Tim McCoy, Jill Martin (Harley Wood), Ben Corbett.
        Fighting Mad. 1939. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. James Newill, Sally Blane, Benny Rubin, Dave O’Brien.
        Flaming Lead. 1939. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Colony. Ken Maynard, Eleanor Stewart, Dave O’Brien.
        The Sagebrush Family Trails West (Peter Stewart). 1940. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Bobby Clark, Nina Guilbert, Earle Hodgins.
        Texas Renegades (Peter Stewart). 1940. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Tim McCoy, Nora Lane, Harry Harvey.
        Death Rides the Range. 1940. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Colony. Ken Maynard, Fay McKenzie, Raph Peters.
        Frontier Crusader (Peter Stewart). 1940. 62 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Tim McCoy, Dorothy Short, Lou Fulton.
        Billy the Kid Outlawed (Peter Stewart). 1940. 52 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Bob Steele, Al St. John, Louise Currie.
        Gun Code (Peter Stewart). 1940. 54 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Tim McCoy, Inna Gest, Lou Fulton.
        Marked Men (Sherman Scott). 1940. 66 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Warren Hull, Isabel Jewell.
        Arizona Gang Busters (Peter Stewart). 1940. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Tim McCoy, Pauline Haddon, Lou Fulton.
        Billy the Kid in Texas (Peter Stewart). 1940. 52 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Bob Steele, Terry Walker, Al St. John.
        Riders of Black Mountain (Peter Stewart). 1940. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Tim McCoy, Pauline Haddon, Ralph Peters, Rex Lease.
        Billy the Kid’s Gun Justice (Peter Stewart). 1940. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Bob Steele, Louise Currie, Al St. John.
        The Lone Rider Rides On. 1941. 61 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. George Houston, Hillary Brooke, Al St. John.
        Billy the Kid’s Range War (Peter Stewart). 1941. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Bob Steele, Joan Barclay, Al St. John.
        The Lone Rider Crosses the Rio/Across the Border. 1941. 63 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. George Houston, Roquell Verrin, Al St. John.
        Outlaws of the Rio Grande (Peter Stewart). 1941. 63 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Tim McCoy, Virginia Carpenter, Ralph Peters.
        Billy the Kid’s Fighting Pals (Sherman Scott). 1941. 62 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Bob Steele, Phyllis Adair, Al St. John.
        The Lone Rider in Ghost Town. 1941. 64 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. George Houston, Alaine Brandes, Al St. John.
        Billy the Kid in Santa Fe (Sherman Scott). 1941. 66 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Bob Steele, Al St. John, Rex Lease.
        The Texas Marshal (Paul Stewart). 1941. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Tim McCoy, Kay Leslie, Art Davis, Dave O’Brien.
        The Lone Rider in Frontier Fury. 1941. 62 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. George Houston, Hillary Brooke, Al St. John.
        The Lone Rider Ambushed. 1941. 67 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. George Houston, Maxine Leslie, Al St. John.
        Billy the Kid Wanted (Sherman Scott). 1941. 64 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Choti Sherwood, Al St. John.
        The Lone Rider Fights Back. 1941. 64 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. George Houston, Dorothy Short, Al St. John.
        Billy the Kid’s Round-Up (Sherman Scott). 1941. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Joan Barclay, Al St. John.
        Texas Manhunt (Peter Stewart). 1942. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Bill Boyd, Art Davis, Julie Duncan, Lee Powell.
        The Lone Rider and the Bandit. 1942. 54 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. George Houston, Al St. John, Vickie Lester.
        Raiders of the West (Peter Stewart). 1942. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Bill Boyd, Art Davis, Virginia Carroll, Lee Powell.
        Billy the Kid Trapped (Sherman Scott). 1942. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Anne Jeffreys.
        The Lone Rider in Cheyenne. 1942. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. George Houston, Al St. John, Ella Neal.
        Rolling Down the Great Divide (Peter Stewart). 1942. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Bill Boyd, Art Davis, Wanda McKay, Lee Powell.
        Billy the Kid’s Smoking Guns (Sherman Scott). 1942. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Joan Barclay.
        Texas Justice. 1942. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. George Houston, Al St. John, Wanda McKay.
        Tumbleweed Trail (Peter Stewart). 1942. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Bill Boyd, Art Davis, Marjorie Manners, Lee Powell.
        Law and Order (Sherman Scott). 1942. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Wanda McKay.
        Prairie Pals (Peter Stewart). 1942. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Bill Boyd, Art Davis, Esther Estrella, Lee Powell.
        Border Roundup. 1942. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. George Hous ton, Al St. John, Patricia Knox.
        Along the Sundown Trail (Peter Stewart). 1942. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Bill Boyd, Art Davis, Julie Duncan, Lee Powell.
        Sheriff of Sage Valley (Sherman Scott). 1962. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Maxine Leslie.
        The Mysterious Rider. 1942. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Caroline Burke.
        Outlaws of Boulder Pass. 1942. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. George Houston, Al St. John, Marjorie Manners.
        Overland Stagecoach. 1942. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Robert Livingston, Al St. John, Julie Duncan.
        The Kid Rides Again (Sherman Scott). 1943. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Iris Meredith.
        Wild Horse Rustlers. 1943. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Robert Livingston, Al St. John, Lane Chandler, Linda Johnson.
        Fugitive of the Plains. 1943. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Maxine Leslie.
        Death Rides the Plains. 1943. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Robert Livingston, Al St. John, Nica Doret.
        Western Cyclone. 1943. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Marjorie Manners.
        Wolves of the Range. 1943. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Robert Livingston, Al St. John, Frances Gladwyn.
        Cattle Stampede. 1943. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Frances Gladwin.
        The Renegade. 1943. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Lois Ranson.
        Blazing Frontier. 1943. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Marjorie Manners.
        Raiders of Red Gap. 1943. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Robert Livingston, Al St. John, Myrna Dell.
        The Devil Riders. 1943. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Patti McCarthy.
        Frontier Outlaws. 1944. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Frances Gladwin.
        Thundering Gunslingers. 1944. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Frances Gladwin.
        Valley of Vengeance. 1944. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Evelyn Finley.
        The Drifter. 1944. 62 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Carol Parker.
        Fuzzy Settles Down. 1944. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Patti McCarthy.
        Rustler’s Hideout. 1944. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Patti McCarthy.
        Wild Horse Phantom. 1944. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Elaine Morley.
        Oath of Vengeance. 1944. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Mady Lawrence.
        His Brother’s Ghost. 1945. 54 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John.
        Shadows of Death. 1945. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Donna Dax.
        Gangster’s Den. 1945. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Sydney Logan.
        Stagecoach Outlaws. 1945. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Frances Gladwin.
        Border Badmen. 1945. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Lorraine Miller.
        Fighting Bill Carson. 1945. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Kay Hugues.
        Prairie Rustlers. 1945. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Evelyn Finley.
        Ligthning Raiders. 1946. 61 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Mady Lawrence.
        Gentlemen with Guns. 1946. 52 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Patricia Knox.
        Terrors on Horseback. 1946. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Patti McCarthy.
        Ghost of Hidden Valley. 1946. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Jean Carlin.
        Prairie Badmen. 1946. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Patricia Knox.
        Overland Riders. 1946. 54 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Patti McCarthy.
        Outlaws of the Plains. 1946. 56 minutos. Blanco y Negro. PRC. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Patti McCarthy.
        Western Pacific Agent. 1950. 62 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Lippert. Kent Taylor, Sheila Ryan, Robert Lowery.
        Three Desperate Men. 1951. 69 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Lippert. Preston Foster, Virginia Grey, Jim Davis.
        Skipalong Rosenbloom. 1951. 72 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Eagle Lion Classics (UA). Max Rosenbloom, Jackie Coogan, Hillary Brooke.
        Outlaw Women (co-d.: Ron Ormond). 1952. 75 minutos. Cinecolor. Howco (Lippert). Marie Windsor, Richard Rober.
        Last of the Desperados. 1955. 71 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Associated. James Craig, Margia Dean, Jim Davis.
        The Wild Dakotas. 1956. 71 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Associated. Bill Williams, Coleen Gray, Jim Davis.
        The Three Outlaws. 1956. 74 minutos. Blanco y Negro. SuperScope. Asso ciated. Neville Brand, Alan Hale, Jr., Lillian Molieri, Jeanne Carmen.
        Frontier Gambler. 1956. 70 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Associated. John Bromfield, Coleen Gray, Jim Davis, Margia Dean.
        Wolf Dog. 1958. 69 minutos. Blanco y Negro. RegalScope. Regal (Fox). Jim Davis, Allison Hayes.
        Flaming Frontier. 1958. 70 minutos. Blanco y Negro. RegalScope. Regal (Fox). Bruce Bennett, Paisley Maxwell, Jim Davis.

    English-Spanish dictionary of western films > Newfield, Sam

  • 13 Stevens, John

    b. 1749 New York, New York, USA
    d. 6 March 1838 Hoboken, New Jersey, USA
    American pioneer of steamboats and railways.
    Stevens, a wealthy landowner with an estate at Hoboken on the Hudson River, had his attention drawn to the steamboat of John Fitch in 1786, and thenceforth devoted much of his time and fortune to developing steamboats and mechanical transport. He also had political influence and it was at his instance that Congress in 1790 passed an Act establishing the first patent laws in the USA. The following year Stevens was one of the first recipients of a US patent. This referred to multi-tubular boilers, of both watertube and firetube types, and antedated by many years the work of both Henry Booth and Marc Seguin on the latter.
    A steamboat built in 1798 by John Stevens, Nicholas J.Roosevelt and Stevens's brother-in-law, Robert R.Livingston, in association was unsuccessful, nor was Stevens satisfied with a boat built in 1802 in which a simple rotary steam-en-gine was mounted on the same shaft as a screw propeller. However, although others had experimented earlier with screw propellers, when John Stevens had the Little Juliana built in 1804 he produced the first practical screw steamboat. Steam at 50 psi (3.5 kg/cm2) pressure was supplied by a watertube boiler to a single-cylinder engine which drove two contra-rotating shafts, upon each of which was mounted a screw propeller. This little boat, less than 25 ft (7.6 m) long, was taken backwards and forwards across the Hudson River by two of Stevens's sons, one of whom, R.L. Stevens, was to help his father with many subsequent experiments. The boat, however, was ahead of its time, and steamships were to be driven by paddle wheels until the late 1830s.
    In 1807 John Stevens declined an invitation to join with Robert Fulton and Robert R.Living-ston in their development work, which culminated in successful operation of the PS Clermont that summer; in 1808, however, he launched his own paddle steamer, the Phoenix. But Fulton and Livingston had obtained an effective monopoly of steamer operation on the Hudson and, unable to reach agreement with them, Stevens sent Phoenix to Philadelphia to operate on the Delaware River. The intervening voyage over 150 miles (240 km) of open sea made Phoenix the first ocean-going steamer.
    From about 1810 John Stevens turned his attention to the possibilities of railways. He was at first considered a visionary, but in 1815, at his instance, the New Jersey Assembly created a company to build a railway between the Delaware and Raritan Rivers. It was the first railway charter granted in the USA, although the line it authorized remained unbuilt. To demonstrate the feasibility of the steam locomotive, Stevens built an experimental locomotive in 1825, at the age of 76. With flangeless wheels, guide rollers and rack-and-pinion drive, it ran on a circular track at his Hoboken home; it was the first steam locomotive to be built in America.
    1812, Documents Tending to Prove the Superior Advantages of Rail-ways and Steam-carriages over Canal Navigation.
    He took out patents relating to steam-engines in the USA in 1791, 1803, and 1810, and in England, through his son John Cox Stevens, in 1805.
    Further Reading
    H.P.Spratt, 1958, The Birth of the Steamboat, Charles Griffin (provides technical details of Stevens's boats).
    J.T.Flexner, 1978, Steamboats Come True, Boston: Little, Brown (describes his work in relation to that of other steamboat pioneers).
    J.R.Stover, 1961, American Railroads, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Transactions of the Newcomen Society (1927) 7: 114 (discusses tubular boilers).
    J.R.Day and B.G.Wilson, 1957, Unusual Railways, F.Muller (discusses Stevens's locomotive).

    Biographical history of technology > Stevens, John

  • 14 Bell, Henry

    SUBJECT AREA: Ports and shipping
    b. 1767 Torphichen Mill, near Linlithgow, Scotland
    d. 1830 Helensburgh, Scotland
    Scottish projector of the first steamboat service in Europe.
    The son of Patrick Bell, a millwright, Henry had two sisters and an elder brother and was educated at the village school. When he was 9 years old Henry was sent to lodge in Falkirk with an uncle and aunt of his mother's so that he could attend the school there. At the age of 12 he left school and agreed to become a mason with a relative. In 1783, after only three years, he was bound apprentice to his Uncle Henry, a millwright at Jay Mill. He stayed there for a further three years and then, in 1786, joined the firm of Shaw \& Hart, shipbuilders of Borrowstoneness. These were to be the builders of William Symington's hull for the Charlotte Dundas. He also spent twelve months with Mr James Inglis, an engineer of Bellshill, Lanarkshire, and then went to London to gain experience, working for the famous John Rennie for some eighteen months. By 1790 he was back in Glasgow, and a year later he took a partner, James Paterson, into his new business of builder and contractor, based in the Trongate. He later referred to himself as "architect", and his partnership with Paterson lasted seven years. He is said to have invented a discharging machine for calico printing, as well as a steam dredger for clearing the River Clyde.
    The Baths Hotel was opened in Helensburgh in 1808, with the hotel-keeper, who was also the first provost of the town, being none other than Henry Bell. It has been suggested that Bell was also the builder of the hotel and this seems very likely. Bell installed a steam engine for pumping sea water out of the Clyde and into the baths, and at first ran a coach service to bring customers from Glasgow three days a week. The driver was his brother Tom. The coach was replaced by the Comet steamboat in 1812.
    While Henry was busy with his provost's duties and making arrangements for the building of his steamboat, his wife Margaret, née Young, whom he married in March 1794, occupied herself with the management of the Baths Hotel. Bell did not himself manufacture, but supervised the work of experts: John and Charles Wood of Port Glasgow, builders of the 43ft 6 in. (13.25 m)-long hull of the Comet; David Napier of Howard Street Foundry for the boiler and other castings; and John Robertson of Dempster Street, who had previously supplied a small engine for pumping water to the baths at the hotel in Helensburgh, for the 3 hp engine. The first trials of the finished ship were held on 24 July 1812, when she was launched from Wood's yard. A regular service was advertised in the Glasgow Chronicle on 5 August and was the first in Europe, preceded only by that of Robert Fulton in the USA. The Comet continued to run until 1820, when it was wrecked.
    Bell received little reward for his promotion of steam navigation, merely small pensions from the Clyde trustees and others. He was buried at the parish church of Rhu.
    Further Reading
    Edward Morris, 1844, Life of Henry Bell.
    Henry Bell, 1813, Applying Steam Engines to Vessels.

    Biographical history of technology > Bell, Henry

  • 15 Cartwright, Revd Edmund

    b. 24 April 1743 Marnham, Nottingham, England
    d. 30 October 1823 Hastings, Sussex, England
    English inventor of the power loom, a combing machine and machines for making ropes, bread and bricks as well as agricultural improvements.
    Edmund Cartwright, the fourth son of William Cartwright, was educated at Wakefield Grammar School, and went to University College, Oxford, at the age of 14. By special act of convocation in 1764, he was elected Fellow of Magdalen College. He married Alice Whitaker in 1772 and soon after was given the ecclesiastical living of Brampton in Derbyshire. In 1779 he was presented with the living of Goadby, Marwood, Leicestershire, where he wrote poems, reviewed new works, and began agricultural experiments. A visit to Matlock in the summer of 1784 introduced him to the inventions of Richard Arkwright and he asked why weaving could not be mechanized in a similar manner to spinning. This began a remarkable career of inventions.
    Cartwright returned home and built a loom which required two strong men to operate it. This was the first attempt in England to develop a power loom. It had a vertical warp, the reed fell with the weight of at least half a hundredweight and, to quote Gartwright's own words, "the springs which threw the shuttle were strong enough to throw a Congreive [sic] rocket" (Strickland 19.71:8—for background to the "rocket" comparison, see Congreve, Sir William). Nevertheless, it had the same three basics of weaving that still remain today in modern power looms: shedding or dividing the warp; picking or projecting the shuttle with the weft; and beating that pick of weft into place with a reed. This loom he proudly patented in 1785, and then he went to look at hand looms and was surprised to see how simply they operated. Further improvements to his own loom, covered by two more patents in 1786 and 1787, produced a machine with the more conventional horizontal layout that showed promise; however, the Manchester merchants whom he visited were not interested. He patented more improvements in 1788 as a result of the experience gained in 1786 through establishing a factory at Doncaster with power looms worked by a bull that were the ancestors of modern ones. Twenty-four looms driven by steam-power were installed in Manchester in 1791, but the mill was burned down and no one repeated the experiment. The Doncaster mill was sold in 1793, Cartwright having lost £30,000, However, in 1809 Parliament voted him £10,000 because his looms were then coming into general use.
    In 1789 he began working on a wool-combing machine which he patented in 1790, with further improvements in 1792. This seems to have been the earliest instance of mechanized combing. It used a circular revolving comb from which the long fibres or "top" were. carried off into a can, and a smaller cylinder-comb for teasing out short fibres or "noils", which were taken off by hand. Its output equalled that of twenty hand combers, but it was only relatively successful. It was employed in various Leicestershire and Yorkshire mills, but infringements were frequent and costly to resist. The patent was prolonged for fourteen years after 1801, but even then Cartwright did not make any profit. His 1792 patent also included a machine to make ropes with the outstanding and basic invention of the "cordelier" which he communicated to his friends, including Robert Fulton, but again it brought little financial benefit. As a result of these problems and the lack of remuneration for his inventions, Cartwright moved to London in 1796 and for a time lived in a house built with geometrical bricks of his own design.
    Other inventions followed fast, including a tread-wheel for cranes, metallic packing for pistons in steam-engines, and bread-making and brick-making machines, to mention but a few. He had already returned to agricultural improvements and he put forward suggestions in 1793 for a reaping machine. In 1801 he received a prize from the Board of Agriculture for an essay on husbandry, which was followed in 1803 by a silver medal for the invention of a three-furrow plough and in 1805 by a gold medal for his essay on manures. From 1801 to 1807 he ran an experimental farm on the Duke of Bedford's estates at Woburn.
    From 1786 until his death he was a prebendary of Lincoln. In about 1810 he bought a small farm at Hollanden near Sevenoaks, Kent, where he continued his inventions, both agricultural and general. Inventing to the last, he died at Hastings and was buried in Battle church.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Board of Agriculture Prize 1801 (for an essay on agriculture). Society of Arts, Silver Medal 1803 (for his three-furrow plough); Gold Medal 1805 (for an essay on agricultural improvements).
    1785. British patent no. 1,270 (power loom).
    1786. British patent no. 1,565 (improved power loom). 1787. British patent no. 1,616 (improved power loom).
    1788. British patent no. 1,676 (improved power loom). 1790, British patent no. 1,747 (wool-combing machine).
    1790, British patent no. 1,787 (wool-combing machine).
    1792, British patent no. 1,876 (improved wool-combing machine and rope-making machine with cordelier).
    Further Reading
    M.Strickland, 1843, A Memoir of the Life, Writings and Mechanical Inventions of Edmund Cartwright, D.D., F.R.S., London (remains the fullest biography of Cartwright).
    Dictionary of National Biography (a good summary of Cartwright's life). For discussions of Cartwright's weaving inventions, see: A.Barlow, 1878, The History and Principles of Weaving by Hand and by Power, London; R.L. Hills, 1970, Power in the Industrial Revolution, Manchester. F.Nasmith, 1925–6, "Fathers of machine cotton manufacture", Transactions of the
    Newcomen Society 6.
    H.W.Dickinson, 1942–3, "A condensed history of rope-making", Transactions of the Newcomen Society 23.
    W.English, 1969, The Textile Industry, London (covers both his power loom and his wool -combing machine).

    Biographical history of technology > Cartwright, Revd Edmund

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